Our luxury stay in Alsace during summer

La Voyagiste Paris explored Alsace at the beginning of July, following the wine route from Strasbourg to Colmar, to discover the 7 grape varieties, but also to visit the region’s magnificent villages and their exceptional heritage. During our stay, we were able to savor the many local culinary specialties, such as sauerkraut, tarts flambées and pretzels. Alsace was a real “coup de coeur” for us, as much for the beauty of its villages and rolling landscapes covered by vineyards, as for all the regional treasures to be discovered.

Wine route to Colmar

We set off from Strasbourg and followed the Alsatian wine route to Colmar, making a few stops along the way for winery tours and wine tastings, as well as a visit to the magnificent Château du Haut Koenigsbourg.

Our first stop was in Scherwiller, where we discovered a winery specializing in dynamic natural organic wines. We got to know the estate, its wines and its building, which is said to be the largest straw-bale building in Europe. We fell in love with the winery’s Pinot Gris. As Scherwiller is the high place of Riesling, we went on to discover several estates and taste this particular grape variety.

We then had lunch in one of the region’s best restaurants to discover the specialty: tarte flambée. We couldn’t resist and tried the Munster tarte flambée and the apple cinnamon tarte flambée for dessert.

After a few strolls through the vineyards, our next stop is Château du Haut Koenigsbourg. A medieval castle built of pink sandstone, it was abandoned for over two centuries before being restored to its former splendor in the 20th century. The château is magnificent and has a very warm atmosphere, no doubt due to the pink sandstone. The view from the castle over the Alsatian plains is incredible.


We’ve arrived in Colmar, our base for the next few days. Impossible to resist, we begin our visit now, accompanied by a few pretzels to savor as we walk.

The next morning, we discover Colmar under an azure-blue sky, the bridges in bloom resplendent, the colorful half-timbered houses offering a panorama worthy of a postcard.

We stroll through the town early in the morning, to discover the different districts and cultural places.

The reward awaits us in the heart of town, in the Little Venice district, where we enjoy an exceptional breakfast, just as colorful as the city itself.


We start our tour in the beautiful village of Riquewihr, with its many stores selling local products. This is where we found our Alsatian wine glasses and Christmas decorations at Féérie de Noël, open all year round.

But also local specialties like Riquewihr macaroons, to be savored without moderation.

The cobbled streets surrounded by colorful half-timbered houses enchant us.

We couldn’t resist an ice cream on the edge of the Place Voltaire fountain to admire this magnificent village a little longer.


Next stop on our village tour: Ribeauvillé. This medieval village gives off an atmosphere of well-being you could spend days in. We stroll from alley to alley, discovering a few artisan stores and local products. Don’t miss the “fontaine au cerf”, the Butchers’ Tower and the street “Grand rue”.

If you look up, you’ll see storks’ nests and storks sleeping peacefully on the roofs of the houses.


Winegrower’s aperitif at Eguisheim

In the evening, we arrive in Eguisheim, where we’ll be attending a winegrower’s aperitif. The idea is to taste wines accompanied by small dishes to enjoy together. The kindness and hospitality of the town’s winegrowers made for an incredible evening, full of wonderful encounters and oenological discoveries. The wine tasting introduced us to the different grape varieties of Alsace: Gewurtztraminer, pinot blanc, pinot gris, Muscat and riesling. We didn’t leave empty-handed, taking home a few cases of these magnificent Alsatian wines.

We’ll be back in Eguisheim tomorrow morning for a tour of the town, straight out of a fairy tale.


We visit Eguisheim in the morning, the village is magnificent. The Place du Chateau, with its colorful, flower-filled Saint Léon fountain, offers a magnificent view of the Château Saint Léon Pfalz and the Chapelle Saint Léon IX. Their roofs feature glazed tiles, the result of a medieval know-how popular in Alsace.

Don’t hesitate to wander through the pretty cobbled streets surrounded by colorful half-timbered houses, and discover some culinary delights such as the Marx bakery and its pretzels, or the authentic Alsatian gingerbread hidden in the village.

Farmhouse inns in the Vosges

Our journey takes us through the Vosges to discover a farm inn in the heart of the mountains. Here we discover many of the local gastronomic specialities, such as Spatzles and Fleischkuchen Vom Tal, a delight.

Afterwards, we visit the reindeer farm. We enjoyed a walk in the forest during which we were lucky enough to come across many reindeer and their offspring, a real joy, and it was hard for us to leave them behind.


We finish our tour in Kaysersberg, on the Alsace wine route. It’s here, we’re told, that we can find the best Kougelhoff in Alsace – the address is a secret, but we can confirm that it was divine. This is also where we bought many gingerbread and manneles (Alsatian cookies). The colorful half-timbered houses are enchanting here too, and guide us down to the Weiss, the pretty river that runs through Kaysersberg. The pretty Place de la Fontaine Constantin is a must-see.

We then climb up to Schlossberg castle, passing by stores selling Alsatian pottery, perfect for bringing back a few souvenirs. The ruins of this medieval castle are surrounded by vineyards, and offer an exceptional view of the village.


On our last day in Alsace, we explore the city of Strasbourg. Walking tour of the historic city center, we discover its magnificent Gothic cathedral.

We have lunch in a restaurant facing the cathedral, where we discover the famous Alsatian sauerkraut. A real treat!

We continue our stroll along the Ill River to the Petite France district, before arriving at the Vauban dam, which offers a magnificent view of Strasbourg from its roof.

In conclusion, we really fell in love with Alsace. The region in this season is splendid, very colorful, and offers an exceptional experience between the cultural visits in the different villages, the discovery of Alsatian know-how, the wine route around the 7 grape varieties and the Alsatian gastronomy which is a real delight.

If you’d like to experience a tailor-made luxury holiday in Alsace, don’t hesitate to contact our Travel Designer.

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