Our stay in Normandy – DDay beaches

To mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, we visited the landing beaches and the town of Bayeux. It was an emotionally charged trip to this important place of memory and history.


We began our trip by discovering the town of Bayeux. It is a medieval city whose history dates back to 1066 when William Duke of Normandy became King of England. The adventure of the man nicknamed William the Conqueror, who set out to conquer England, is recounted in the famous 70-meter Bayeux tapestry, also recognized by UNESCO as a Memory of the World.

So we went to the Musée de la Tapisserie to admire this nearly 1,000-year-old work of art.

As we strolled through the town, we fell under the spell of Notre-Dame de Bayeux Cathedral, dating from 1077, with its blend of Romanesque and Gothic styles. A real architectural treasure!

The town of Bayeux charmed us with its narrow streets along the river Aure and its exceptional restaurants where you can savor Normandy specialties!

Crédit: Tapisserie de Bayeux – 11e siecle ©Bayeux Museum

Bayeux’s location opens the door to the D-Day landing beaches and World War II memorials. In Bayeux, we also visited the Battle of Normandy museum and the British military cemetery, an emotional experience.


We then continued to discover Utah Beach, where American troops landed on the morning of June 6, 1944, to liberate France.

The Musée du Débarquement was built on this very spot to preserve the memory of these men of exemplary courage. Numerous relics and monuments also surround Utah Beach, paying tribute to the soldiers and nations who fought for the freedom of France.


Our escapade takes us to the Pointe du Hoc, a place immediately striking for its terrain dotted with immense craters dug out by bombs dropped during the offensive.

On June 6, 1944, Lieutenant Colonel James Rudder’s troops stormed this 30-metre-high cliff in just a few minutes. Unfortunately, once they reached the top of Pointe du Hoc, the troops were surrounded by German forces, and liberated two days later by the Allies.

Today, remnants remain of the German shelters and fortifications that defended the positions at Pointe du Hoc before falling to the successful offensives of American troops.


Our next stop is Omaha beach, between Vierville-sur-mer and Colleville-sur-mer.

It was on this immense beach that the D-Day landings were almost unsuccessful, due to its cliffy location. The terrain was extremely complicated for an offensive, and during the first hours of the assault, the American troops sank. After hours of struggle and courage, the Allied troops finally got the better of their enemy, but the losses were enormous.

On the beach today are several monuments to all those brave men who fell on June 6, 1944, to liberate France, such as the huge sculpture “les braves”.


We continue our visit to the town of Arromanches, marked by the presence in the water of the remains of the artificial harbor. This strategically located seaside resort was created to store and supply equipment for the troops landing in Normandy.

The town inspires a certain seaside serenity, framed by cliffs. We climbed one of them to get a nice view of the town and the half-submerged remains.


We end our tour of the region with the American cemetery, a few kilometers from the D-Day landing beaches.

The sight of the countless white crosses stretching as far as the eye can see is a powerful reminder of the courage of the American soldiers who came to liberate France during the Second World War.

This place of remembrance invites us to silence in a natural setting by the sea and to never forget the lives sacrificed for freedom.


We stayed at the magnificent Château d’Audrieu, set in a large wooded estate. A truly enchanted interlude and a moment of relaxation in this blend of nature and history.

Ideally located close to the D-Day beaches and Bayeux, this luxurious setting charmed us!

To create your tailor-made luxury stay in Normandy, contact our travel designer.

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